A voyage through scales – The theme of the EGU2015

Zoom into a cloud. Zoom out of a rock. Watch the volcano explode, the lightning strike, an aurora undulate. Imagine ice sheets expanding, retreating - pulsating - while continents continue their leisurely collisions. Everywhere there are structures within structures ... within structures.
A voyage through scales has been an invitation to contemplate the earth’s extraordinary variability extending from milliseconds to its age, from microns to the size of the planet. The range of scales in space, in time - in space-time - is truly mindboggling. Their complexity challenges our ability to measure, to model to comprehend.
The 2015 EGU General Assembly took its attendees on this odyssey.
Lectures for a general geoscience audience (GL)
- GL1 – 'A Voyage through Scales – Water in terrestrial systems' by Kurt Roth (abstract). Stream
- GL2 – 'A Voyage through Scales – Archives of the Continental Crust' by Chris Hawkesworth (abstract). Stream
Theme exhibition
The theme exhibition interpreted 'A voyage through scales' at four different spots:
- The scales of the General Assembly showed the evolution of the conference during the week; space, time, and volume – the EGU2015 in numbers.
- The scales of peer review took its visitors on a voyage through the interactive quality assurance of EGU's journals; space, time, and volume – peer review from a different perspective.
- The scales in EGU journals visualized the beauty of science through the lens of our publications; impressions from the photo book 'A voyage through scales'.
- The scales in art invited the participants to the dialogue between science and art; attendees watched the artistic interpretation of the theme developing over the week.
Photo book
As in 2014, a high-quality photo book has been compiled and presented at the Assembly. Through the lens of our journals, scientists wrote about scaling in their disciplines and visualized their work through beautiful photos. The book has been published by EGU and Edition Lammerhuber and was handed-out to the participants upon registration. Please download the PDF file of the photo book